Wifi Campus

It was felt that for efficient management and healthy growth of the College, communication, interaction and monitoring system must be improved. Therefore it was decided to convert the College into an e-campus through WLAN (Wireless Local Area Networking), which use radio waves to communicate among devices. An access point (AP) with an antenna is physically connected to a conventional wired Ethernet network and Servers as a bridge to the wireless network. Wi-Fi WLAN also supports communication among the client systems, allowing the devices to communicate directly with one another in a peer-to peer fashion.Up to approximately 150 feet, a Wi-Fi 802.11b WLAN typically can deliver broadband performance with a signaling speed of up to 11 Mbps. Actual performance depends upon the signal pattern and the number of walls, floors and other architectural obstacles in the area. Wi-Fi 802.11a WLANs can achieve speeds of up to 54 Mbps within a somewhat reduced range. We have installed the wireless equipments, which can give a signal strength up to 5 km range. In order to use the system effectively the students admitted this year, have been advised to purchase their own High-end Laptops with wire-less technology, which were made available to them through the College at concessional rate. Wherever required, Bank loan was also arranged for the students.